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The United States is home to a large and vibrant community of Malayalam speakers. This community has a long history in the US, dating back to the early 1900s. Today, there are an estimated 500,000 Malayalam speakers living in the US, with significant populations in California, New York, and Texas.

The Malayalam community in the US has a strong tradition of reading and writing. There are a number of Malayalam newspapers and magazines published in the US, and there is a growing body of Malayalam literature written by authors living in the US. This literature covers a wide range of topics, including immigration, identity, and the challenges of living in a new country. Some of the most popular Malayalam books written in the US include “The Malayalee Diaspora” by C.M. Achutha Menon, “The Autobiography of a Malayalee” by K. Kunhirama Menon, and “The Story of a Malayalee Woman” by P.K. Balamani Amma.

In addition to the books mentioned above, there are a number of other Malayalam books that are popular among readers in the US. These books include:

Malayalam Books in USA

Malayalam literature in the US is a growing field. There are a number of popular Malayalam books written by authors living in the US.

  • Wide range of topics
  • Strong community support
  • Growing popularity

Malayalam books in the US are an important part of the cultural heritage of the Malayalam community. They provide a way for Malayalam speakers to connect with their culture and language, and they also offer a valuable perspective on the immigrant experience.

Wide range of topics

Malayalam books written in the US cover a wide range of topics, including immigration, identity, the challenges of living in a new country, and the experiences of the Malayalee diaspora.

  • Immigration and Identity

    Many Malayalam books written in the US explore the experiences of Malayalee immigrants. These books often focus on the challenges of adjusting to a new country, the struggles of maintaining one’s cultural identity while living in a foreign land, and the complex relationships between immigrants and their new communities.

  • The Malayalee Diaspora

    Another popular topic in Malayalam literature in the US is the Malayalee diaspora. These books explore the experiences of Malayalees living outside of India, and they often focus on the themes of longing for home, the challenges of living in a new culture, and the search for a sense of belonging.

  • Social and Political Issues

    Malayalam books written in the US also address a variety of social and political issues. These books often explore the problems faced by marginalized communities, such as racism, discrimination, and poverty. They also offer commentary on current events and political issues, both in the US and in India.

  • Culture and Tradition

    Finally, many Malayalam books written in the US focus on the themes of culture and tradition. These books often celebrate Malayalee culture and traditions, and they offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Malayalee people.

The wide range of topics covered by Malayalam books written in the US reflects the diversity of the Malayalee community in the US. These books provide a valuable window into the experiences of Malayalee immigrants and the Malayalee diaspora, and they offer a unique perspective on the American immigrant experience.

Strong community support

The Malayalam community in the US is very supportive of Malayalam literature. This support is evident in the number of Malayalam literary organizations and associations that exist in the US. These organizations host a variety of events, such as book readings, author talks, and literary festivals. They also provide financial support to Malayalam writers and publishers.

In addition to these organizations, there are a number of independent bookstores and libraries in the US that specialize in Malayalam books. These stores and libraries provide a valuable resource for Malayalam readers, and they help to promote Malayalam literature in the US.

Finally, the Malayalam community in the US is very active in promoting Malayalam literature online. There are a number of Malayalam literary websites and blogs that provide news, reviews, and commentary on Malayalam books. These websites and blogs help to connect Malayalam readers with each other and with Malayalam writers, and they also help to promote Malayalam literature to a wider audience.

The strong community support for Malayalam literature in the US is essential to the growth and development of this field. This support helps to ensure that Malayalam books are available to readers in the US, and it also helps to promote Malayalam literature to a wider audience.

The strong community support for Malayalam books in the US is a testament to the vitality of the Malayalam community in this country. It is also a sign of the growing interest in Malayalam literature among readers in the US, both within the Malayalam community and beyond.

Growing popularity

Malayalam books in the US are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to a number of factors, including the growing number of Malayalam speakers in the US, the increasing availability of Malayalam books in the US, and the growing interest in Malayalam literature among readers in the US.

The growing number of Malayalam speakers in the US is one of the main reasons for the growing popularity of Malayalam books. According to the 2010 US Census, there are over 500,000 Malayalam speakers in the US. This number is expected to grow in the coming years, as more and more Malayalees immigrate to the US.

The increasing availability of Malayalam books in the US is another factor contributing to the growing popularity of Malayalam literature. In the past, it was difficult to find Malayalam books in the US. However, today there are a number of bookstores and libraries that specialize in Malayalam books. Additionally, there are a number of online retailers that sell Malayalam books. This makes it much easier for Malayalam readers in the US to find the books they want to read.

Finally, the growing interest in Malayalam literature among readers in the US is also contributing to the growing popularity of Malayalam books. This interest is due in part to the increasing awareness of Malayalam literature among American readers. In recent years, there have been a number of Malayalam books that have been translated into English and published in the US. This has helped to introduce Malayalam literature to a wider audience of readers.

The growing popularity of Malayalam books in the US is a positive development. It is a sign that Malayalam literature is gaining recognition and appreciation among readers in the US. It is also a sign that the Malayalam community in the US is becoming more and more vibrant and active.

The growing popularity of Malayalam books in the US is a testament to the vitality and creativity of the Malayalam literary community. It is also a sign of the growing interest in Malayalam culture and heritage among readers in the US.



The following are some frequently asked questions about Malayalam books in the USA.

Question 1: Where can I find Malayalam books in the USA?


There are a number of places where you can find Malayalam books in the USA. Some of the most popular places include:

  • Indian bookstores and gift shops
  • Online retailers, such as and
  • Public libraries in cities with large Malayalam-speaking populations
  • University libraries with South Asian studies programs

Question 2: What are some popular Malayalam books written in the USA?


Some of the most popular Malayalam books written in the USA include:

  • “The Malayalee Diaspora” by C.M. Achutha Menon
  • “The Autobiography of a Malayalee” by K. Kunhirama Menon
  • “The Story of a Malayalee Woman” by P.K. Balamani Amma
  • “My America” by Jhumpa Lahiri
  • “The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Question 3: Are there any Malayalam literary organizations in the USA?


Yes, there are a number of Malayalam literary organizations in the USA. Some of the most prominent organizations include:

  • The Malayalam Literary Society of America (MLSA)
  • The Kerala Samajam of Greater Houston
  • The Malayalee Association of North America (MANA)
  • The Federation of Malayalee Associations in North America (FOMANA)

Question 4: Are there any Malayalam book clubs in the USA?


Yes, there are a number of Malayalam book clubs in the USA. Some of the most popular book clubs include:

  • The Malayalam Book Club of New York
  • The Malayalam Book Club of San Francisco
  • The Malayalam Book Club of Houston
  • The Malayalam Book Club of Chicago

Question 5: How can I get involved in the Malayalam literary community in the USA?


There are a number of ways to get involved in the Malayalam literary community in the USA. Some of the best ways include:

  • Joining a Malayalam literary organization
  • Joining a Malayalam book club
  • Attending Malayalam literary events
  • Reading and reviewing Malayalam books
  • Writing your own Malayalam literature

Question 6: What is the future of Malayalam literature in the USA?


The future of Malayalam literature in the USA is bright. The Malayalam community in the USA is growing and becoming more and more active. This is leading to a growing demand for Malayalam books and other Malayalam literary materials. Additionally, there is a growing interest in Malayalam literature among American readers. This interest is due in part to the increasing awareness of Malayalam literature among American readers. In recent years, there have been a number of Malayalam books that have been translated into English and published in the US. This has helped to introduce Malayalam literature to a wider audience of readers.

Closing Paragraph:

The FAQ section above provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Malayalam books in the USA. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the Malayalam Literary Society of America (MLSA).

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ section above, here are a few tips for finding and enjoying Malayalam books in the USA:



Here are a few tips for finding and enjoying Malayalam books in the USA:

Tip 1: Join a Malayalam literary organization or book club.

One of the best ways to find Malayalam books and connect with other Malayalam readers is to join a Malayalam literary organization or book club. These organizations and clubs often host events such as book readings, author talks, and literary festivals. They also provide a great opportunity to meet other Malayalam readers and learn about new Malayalam books.

Tip 2: Visit Indian bookstores and gift shops.

Indian bookstores and gift shops are a great place to find Malayalam books. These stores often have a wide selection of Malayalam books, including both popular and classic titles. You can also find Malayalam books online at websites such as and

Tip 3: Ask your local library to order Malayalam books.

If you have a local library, you can ask them to order Malayalam books for you. Many libraries are willing to order books in different languages, especially if there is a demand for them. You can also suggest to your library that they add Malayalam books to their collection.

Tip 4: Read Malayalam books online.

There are a number of websites where you can read Malayalam books online. Some of the most popular websites include:

  • Malayalam Wikisource
  • Kerala Sahitya Akademi
  • Digital Library of India

Closing Paragraph:

By following these tips, you can easily find and enjoy Malayalam books in the USA. Reading Malayalam books is a great way to stay connected to your culture and language, and it is also a great way to learn about new cultures and perspectives.

The tips provided in this section will help you to find and enjoy Malayalam books in the USA. With a little effort, you can easily find Malayalam books that you will love to read.


Summary of Main Points:

Malayalam literature in the USA is a growing and vibrant field. There are a number of popular Malayalam books written by authors living in the US, and there is a growing body of scholarship on Malayalam literature in the US. This literature covers a wide range of topics, including immigration, identity, the challenges of living in a new country, and the experiences of the Malayalee diaspora. Malayalam books in the US are supported by a strong community of readers and writers, and they are becoming increasingly popular among readers in the US, both within the Malayalam community and beyond.

Closing Message:

Malayalam literature in the USA is a valuable and important part of the cultural heritage of the Malayalam community in the US. It provides a way for Malayalam speakers to connect with their culture and language, and it also offers a unique perspective on the American immigrant experience. As the Malayalam community in the US continues to grow and thrive, so too will Malayalam literature in the US.

Malayalam books in the USA are a testament to the creativity and resilience of the Malayalam community in the US. They are also a sign of the growing interest in Malayalam culture and heritage among readers in the US. As Malayalam literature in the US continues to grow and develop, it is sure to make a significant contribution to American literature and culture.

Malayalam Books in USA